ATC198: Review of Adventures in Odyssey #74: Buckle Up!
Today, JD is joined by ATC contributor Austin Peachey to review album 74 of Adventures in Odyssey, titled Buckle Up! They go deep into the...
Today, JD is joined by ATC contributor Austin Peachey to review album 74 of Adventures in Odyssey, titled Buckle Up! They go deep into the characters, plots, performances, and production values of these six episodes. Also in the episode, JD shares a handful of audio drama updates, including the first trailer for the next Sargent Family Productions project. He also responds to feedback from Mark and shares some updates and BTS info on the Seneca Awards and why the ATC reviews have been so late recently. It's a packed episode so join the fun!
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Review - 19:28
Adventures in Odyssey #74: Buckle Up!
#952: “Game Night”
#953: “Renee Renewed”
#954: “Legally Wooton”
#955: “Value in the Process”
#956: “Tough Call”
#957: “King of my Heart”
Additional Links Mentioned:
Transition Song: “Ride of Life” by 4Him from the 1994 album titled The Ride
Feedback - 2:16:37
Actor Mark Henry Cooney's comments regarding ATC197Record our show credits for a future episode.
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Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
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