ATC Episode Guide

To make it easier to find the episode you're looking for...
We have compiled this chronological listing of Audio Theatre Central episodes with summaries.
You can also scroll through the full catalog of episodes in the player below.
Episode 0
This episode is an introduction to the new podcast. We will go over the topics we will discuss and give an overview of what to expect from this show.
Episode 1
We review all seven productions of Season One of Lamplighter Theatre, and we have an fascinating interview with Mark Hamby, Executive Producer of Lamplighter Theatre.
Episode 2
Review of Focus on the Family Radio Theatre's dramatization of The Screwtape Letters, and a great interview with writer, director and producer for Adventures in Odyssey, Nathan Hoobler.
Episode 3
We review The Shepherd's Prayer, a drama based on the book by Richard M. Barry. This is a great Christmas story that we highly recommend. Also, JD interviews Paul McCusker and they discuss Focus on the Family Radio Theatre. And then we traipse down to the mail room to read some listener's letters.
Episode 4
JD, Roy, & Andrew also introduce you to Spirit Blade Productions' drama called Pilgrim's Progress: Similitude of a Dream, which is, of course, based on the John Bunyan classic. We also interview Paeter Frandsen, creator of Spirit Blade Productions.
Episode 6
Today we take a look at Focus on the Family’s production, A Soul in Torment, which is the first Father Gilbert Mystery. Then we are joined by Paul McCusker (who wrote the Father Gilbert stories) to discuss A Soul In Torment, the Father Gilbert stories in general, and Adventures in Odyssey. Then we make the journey to the mail room for some listener mail.
Episode 7
This time on ATC, we discuss the first three dramas from Lamplighter Theatre’s Season 2, The Robber’s Cave, The Boy of Mt. Rhigi, and The Wanderer. Then we share a recorded interview between John Fornof, producer for Lamplighter Theatre, and Jess Harnell, the voice of Finnian Jones.
Episode 8
In this episode of Audio Theatre Central, JD, Roy, and Andrew review Focus on the Family Radio Theatre’s drama Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom. The guys also mention a great Easter story for children called The Story of Little Tree.
Episode 9
In today’s episode JD, Roy, and Andrew review Buried In The Snow, the final drama from Season 2 of Lamplighter Theatre. The stellar newscaster, Roy, has another stellar newscast. And then JD interviews Mark Hamby and John Fornof, the Executive Producer and Producer, for Lamplighter Theatre. They discuss the Lamplighter Guild, some of the aspects of creating an audio drama, as well as some specific info on Lamplighter’s Season 2.
Episode 10
In this episode, JD, Roy, and Andrew review Adventures in Odyssey Album 53: The Green Ring Conspiracy. They give their opinions on character development, the plot, themes, and highlights of this latest season of AIO. Prior to the review, Roy brings us up to date in the world of family audio dramas. After the discussion the guys stop by the mailroom to read some listener feedback.
Episode 11
Today the guys introduce you to LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air, an audio drama production company that they recently discovered. They also interview Wayne Scott, the president of LifeHouse Theater, to give you some background on the company. Then JD, Roy, and Andrew share their comments and opinions on Job: A Modern Man, one of the dramas released by LifeHouse Theater. And of course, Roy has the latest news for us.
The guys review Focus on the Family Radio Theatre's The Secret Garden. They also play a promo that tells what is coming up in Season 3 of Lamplighter Theatre and they also give a heads-up on what you can expect in the next episode of the show as they celebrate the 1st anniversary of ATC! And as always, Roy has the latest news for us.
Episode 13
Today's episode of Audio Theatre Central is all play and no work. We don't review anything, we don't do a newscast; we just have a good time interviewing a couple of other Adventures in Odyssey fans. Kevin McCreary of The Ceiling Fan Podcast and the Adventures in Odyssey ScoopCast and Austin Peachey from the Adventures in Odyssey Blog join us to tell us a little about how they started in the AIO online fan community. This episode is part one of our conversation with Kevin and Austin.
Episode 14
Today's episode of Audio Theatre Central is again all play and no work as we continue to just have a good time chatting with a couple of other Adventures in Odyssey fans. Kevin McCreary and Austin Peachey join us to simply talk about AIO. This episode is the second part of our conversation with Kevin and Austin. Check out episode 13 to hear the interview portion of our discussion.
Episode 15
We return after our hiatus with (almost) a full hour of ATC goodness. Or something like that. Anyway, we give our opinions on Adventures in Odyssey Album #54 Clanging Cymbals...And the Meaning of God's Love, and we share how we voted in the Album 54 Avery Awards.
Episode 16
Today, Roy delivers a stellar newscast, we review Lamplighter Theatre's stellar production, Teddy's Button, and then we head down to the mailroom to read mail from our stellar listeners. Of course that is an over-simplification of this stellar episode so you'll just have to listen to it to experience it for yourself.
Episode 17
This episode picks up in the mailroom. We had so much mail last time that we couldn't get through it all. After the mail, we jump into our review of LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air's production entitled Hiding In Plain Sight. Finally, we cap off the show with Roy offering up the obligatory newscast.
Episode 18
This time the focus of the show is the Jonathan Park series of audio dramas. The three of us are new to this series, but we jump in and review the most recent album Jonathan Park Volume VII - The Voyage Beyond. As always, Roy brings us up to date with a newscast. And, of course, the show is sprinkled with a typical dose of humor and wisecracks.
Episode 19
On today's show we dive into "The Deep End" and review Adventures in Odyssey album #55. We go through all 12 episodes and then share some listener feedback. Our newscaster, Roy, also has a newscast that is brimming with news about family friendly audio drama!
Episode 20
In this edition of the show we have a fantastic time reviewing Lamplighter Theatre's Sir Knight of the Splendid Way. This is an absolutely phenomenal audio drama that you must hear! We also are thrilled to be joined on the show by Lamplighter Theatre's Executive Producer, Mark Hamby for an information packed interview and we share some listener feedback as well. But before all of that kicks off, Roy delivers a great newscast.
Episode 21
Today we take a look at The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer from LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air. This is a great adaptation of the 1876 novel by Mark Twain. Roy also brings us up to date with his newscast and we share some listener feedback from Jack and Victoria.
Episode 22
We are thrilled to be joined on the show today by two fantastic guests! First we have a great conversation with Jave Griffin (also known as David Griffin), the voice of Jimmy Barclay on Adventures in Odyssey. We chat about his work on AIO and about a new audio drama that he is creating called Edwin & The Orbs. And if that wasn't enough we also have a great interview with Paul McCusker about the upcoming Radio Theatre production of Oliver Twist! We also share some listener feedback. But as always, Roy kicks things off with an informative newscast.
Episode 23
Today we celebrate two years of ATC by reviewing The White Gypsy; another tremendous audio drama from Lamplighter Theatre! Andrew also shares some exciting news from his life and Roy brings us an informative newscast.
Episode 24
Today we take a look at the most recent production from LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air, an adaptation of the novel Pride And Prejudice. Roy also shares another newscast and we also share some great feedback from listener Nathan.
Episode 25
In this special bonus episode of ATC, JD travels to Colorado Springs, Colorado (80995) to cover the live Adventures in Odyssey event on November 3, 2012. We were able to get some fan reactions to the event as well as their thoughts on favorite characters, etc. JD was also able to get interviews with all three of the AIO actors who were there; Katie Leigh, Zach Callison, and Andre Stojka, the voices of Connie Kendall, Matthew Parker, and John Avery Whittaker! We're also going to get to hear from writer/director Nathan Hoobler as well as a conversation with the owner of the world's largest AIO collection from!
Episode 26
We review Volume 8 of the Jonathan Park drama series which is titled The Copper Scroll. We also interview Pat Roy, the co-creator, writer, director and producer for the Jonathan Park series. Roy also brings us an abbreviated newscast as news is a bit slim right now. You'll also hear two short samples from The Copper Scroll album.
Episode 27
In today's edition of the podcast we break from normal programming and instead of reviews and interviews we bring you a listing of our top favorite Christmas themed audio dramas. These are great productions from all the top audio drama producers.
Episode 28
In this first episode of 2013, we review the amazing Focus on the Family Radio Theatre production of Oliver Twist (after consuming some doughnuts and a Wodfamchocsod each). In addition to this review, the guys read a pile of feedback messages from listeners.
Episode 29
In today's episode of ATC, we take a look at Adventures in Odyssey's album 56 The Grand Design. We also go through some great listener feedback, Roy has a packed newscast, and we share an announcement about a new project we'll be working on.
Episode 30
In this packed episode of Audio Theatre Central, we introduce you to a fabulous audio drama series called The Adventures of Harry Nile which is produced by Jim French Productions. We also welcome Larry Albert, the actor who plays Harry Nile, to the show to share about the origins of the series as well as his own thoughts on the character. Roy brings us up to date with his newscast and then we share listener feedback from Nathan, Jeremy, and Gabriel.
Episode 31
In this bonus episode of Audio Theatre Central we take some time to give you a newscast, go through some listener feedback, and have a great conversation with John Fornof, producer, writer and director of Lamplighter Theatre.
Episode 32
This edition of the podcast features information about a new audio drama series called The Brinkman Adventures. Not only do we review all 12 episodes from season one, but we also interview Ian Bultman, the writer, producer and creator of the series. Ian shares the back story of how the series started as well as some information on what is coming up in the next two seasons. Roy also has tons of updates in his newscast and we go through a stack of feedback from you guys!
Episode 33
Today we review The Prince and the Pauper from The Colonial Radio Theatre. We also share some listener feedback and some of your iTunes reviews. Roy also has another stupendous newscast.
Episode 34
Today JD, Roy and Andrew discuss and review At The Back Of The North Wind from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre. This is a fantastic audio drama adaptation of the classic novel by George MacDonald. We also share some feedback from Jerry Robbins at The Colonial Radio Theatre regarding our review of The Prince And The Pauper. And of course, Roy fills us in with a newscast.
Episode 35
In this episode we present an interview with Chuck Bolte, former Executive Producer and actor on Adventures in Odyssey. Most fans will recognize him as the voice of George Barclay. JD and Andrew met up with Chuck at a coffee shop and discussed his work as a producer on the series and, of course, his amazing portrayal of George Barclay for many years. Roy delivers a great AIO related newscast and lastly we all discuss some of our favorite Barclay family episodes. Also, stay tuned after the credits for some bonus content from Chuck!
Episode 36
The topic at hand for this episode is the special edition Adventures in Odyssey episodes entitled Passages: Darien's Rise, adapted from the book by Paul McCusker. We discuss this great audio drama production and go over its high and low points. Roy delivers a splendid newscast, we share some listener feedback, and we also feature a "micro-drama" which was produced by Austin Peachey of the AIO Blog.
Episode 37
This episode features an interview with Phil Lollar, the creative genius behind Adventures in Odyssey, Jungle Jam & Friends and, most recently, Iliad House. JD chats with Phil about Odyssey, Kid's Corner, how he approaches the development of a series and more!
Episode 38
Review of Jonathan Park Volume 9: The Whispering Sphinx, newscast, listener feedback from Will and Austin.
Episode 39
Today's bonus episode features a conversation between Duane Riffenburgh and Andrew Riffenburgh, the writers of Jonathan Park Volume 9: The Whispering Sphinx
Episode 40
We take a look at the Season 4 premiere from Lamplighter Theatre today, a production called Titus: A Comrade of the Cross. We also talk about the Top 100 Adventures in Odyssey episodes according to one blogger, share the winner of the Jonathan Park giveaway, check out feedback from you, the listener; and the newscast features some exciting stuff in the world of audio drama.
Episode 41
In today's bonus episode we chat with Shona Kennedy, winner of the Adventures in Odyssey Get in the Show contest.
Episode 42
A Call To Something More, the 57th album from Adventures in Odyssey, is the topic of conversation for this episode. We also give an update on our own audio drama project, share some feedback from David, Aaron, Mark, and Jack.
Episode 43
Today's bonus episode features an informative conversation with sound designer, Rob Jorgensen of Rojo Creative Studios. Also in this episode, Nathan Hoobler tells us the reason for the episode title change in AIO #57 and JD talks about a Christmas themed Old Time Radio show called The Cinnamon Bear that is perfect to listen to with the whole family.
Episode 44
Today we discuss The Star Angel, a fabulously entertaining, Christmas musical from The Colonial Radio Theatre. Also in this episode is a discussion about new voices for familiar characters on Adventures in Odyssey, an update on our audio drama project and Roy's splendid newscast. And listener Cguy's question sparks a lively conversation to cap off this edition of the show.
Episode 45
Today we discuss Under Drake's Flag, the outstanding debut audio drama production in The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series from Heirloom Audio Productions. We also read some listener feedback and Roy delivers a newscast that is chock-full of valuable information.
Episode 46
We review Jessica's Journey from Lamplighter Theatre in today's episode. We also share an update on our audio drama project, answer some questions posed by listener Christopher, Roy has a packed newscast and we get into a discussion about coffee.
Episode 47
Season 2 of The Brinkman Adventures is the topic of conversation in this episode. Also in this episode is a newscast from our resident newsman, Roy, as well as a snippet from a new audio drama from CreationWorks.Episode 21
Today we take a look at The Misadventures of Tom Sawyer from LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air. This is a great adaptation of the 1876 novel by Mark Twain. Roy also brings us up to date with his newscast and we share some listener feedback from Jack and Victoria.
Episode 22
We are thrilled to be joined on the show today by two fantastic guests! First we have a great conversation with Jave Griffin (also known as David Griffin), the voice of Jimmy Barclay on Adventures in Odyssey. We chat about his work on AIO and about a new audio drama that he is creating called Edwin & The Orbs. And if that wasn't enough we also have a great interview with Paul McCusker about the upcoming Radio Theatre production of Oliver Twist! We also share some listener feedback. But as always, Roy kicks things off with an informative newscast.
Episode 23
Today we celebrate two years of ATC by reviewing The White Gypsy; another tremendous audio drama from Lamplighter Theatre! Andrew also shares some exciting news from his life and Roy brings us an informative newscast.
Episode 24
Today we take a look at the most recent production from LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air, an adaptation of the novel Pride And Prejudice. Roy also shares another newscast and we also share some great feedback from listener Nathan.
Episode 25
In this special bonus episode of ATC, JD travels to Colorado Springs, Colorado (80995) to cover the live Adventures in Odyssey event on November 3, 2012. We were able to get some fan reactions to the event as well as their thoughts on favorite characters, etc. JD was also able to get interviews with all three of the AIO actors who were there; Katie Leigh, Zach Callison, and Andre Stojka, the voices of Connie Kendall, Matthew Parker, and John Avery Whittaker! We're also going to get to hear from writer/director Nathan Hoobler as well as a conversation with the owner of the world's largest AIO collection from!
Episode 26
We review Volume 8 of the Jonathan Park drama series which is titled The Copper Scroll. We also interview Pat Roy, the co-creator, writer, director and producer for the Jonathan Park series. Roy also brings us an abbreviated newscast as news is a bit slim right now. You'll also hear two short samples from The Copper Scroll album.
Episode 27
In today's edition of the podcast we break from normal programming and instead of reviews and interviews we bring you a listing of our top favorite Christmas themed audio dramas. These are great productions from all the top audio drama producers.
Episode 28
In this first episode of 2013, we review the amazing Focus on the Family Radio Theatre production of Oliver Twist (after consuming some doughnuts and a Wodfamchocsod each). In addition to this review, the guys read a pile of feedback messages from listeners.
Episode 29
In today's episode of ATC, we take a look at Adventures in Odyssey's album 56 The Grand Design. We also go through some great listener feedback, Roy has a packed newscast, and we share an announcement about a new project we'll be working on.
Episode 30
In this packed episode of Audio Theatre Central, we introduce you to a fabulous audio drama series called The Adventures of Harry Nile which is produced by Jim French Productions. We also welcome Larry Albert, the actor who plays Harry Nile, to the show to share about the origins of the series as well as his own thoughts on the character. Roy brings us up to date with his newscast and then we share listener feedback from Nathan, Jeremy, and Gabriel.
Episode 31
In this bonus episode of Audio Theatre Central we take some time to give you a newscast, go through some listener feedback, and have a great conversation with John Fornof, producer, writer and director of Lamplighter Theatre.
Episode 32
This edition of the podcast features information about a new audio drama series called The Brinkman Adventures. Not only do we review all 12 episodes from season one, but we also interview Ian Bultman, the writer, producer and creator of the series. Ian shares the back story of how the series started as well as some information on what is coming up in the next two seasons. Roy also has tons of updates in his newscast and we go through a stack of feedback from you guys!
Episode 33
Today we review The Prince and the Pauper from The Colonial Radio Theatre. We also share some listener feedback and some of your iTunes reviews. Roy also has another stupendous newscast.
Episode 34
Today JD, Roy and Andrew discuss and review At The Back Of The North Wind from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre. This is a fantastic audio drama adaptation of the classic novel by George MacDonald. We also share some feedback from Jerry Robbins at The Colonial Radio Theatre regarding our review of The Prince And The Pauper. And of course, Roy fills us in with a newscast.
Episode 35
In this episode we present an interview with Chuck Bolte, former Executive Producer and actor on Adventures in Odyssey. Most fans will recognize him as the voice of George Barclay. JD and Andrew met up with Chuck at a coffee shop and discussed his work as a producer on the series and, of course, his amazing portrayal of George Barclay for many years. Roy delivers a great AIO related newscast and lastly we all discuss some of our favorite Barclay family episodes. Also, stay tuned after the credits for some bonus content from Chuck!
Episode 36
The topic at hand for this episode is the special edition Adventures in Odyssey episodes entitled Passages: Darien's Rise, adapted from the book by Paul McCusker. We discuss this great audio drama production and go over its high and low points. Roy delivers a splendid newscast, we share some listener feedback, and we also feature a "micro-drama" which was produced by Austin Peachey of the AIO Blog.
Episode 37
This episode features an interview with Phil Lollar, the creative genius behind Adventures in Odyssey, Jungle Jam & Friends and, most recently, Iliad House. JD chats with Phil about Odyssey, Kid's Corner, how he approaches the development of a series and more!
Episode 38
Review of Jonathan Park Volume 9: The Whispering Sphinx, newscast, listener feedback from Will and Austin.
Episode 39
Today's bonus episode features a conversation between Duane Riffenburgh and Andrew Riffenburgh, the writers of Jonathan Park Volume 9: The Whispering Sphinx
Episode 40
We take a look at the Season 4 premiere from Lamplighter Theatre today, a production called Titus: A Comrade of the Cross. We also talk about the Top 100 Adventures in Odyssey episodes according to one blogger, share the winner of the Jonathan Park giveaway, check out feedback from you, the listener; and the newscast features some exciting stuff in the world of audio drama.
Episode 41
In today's bonus episode we chat with Shona Kennedy, winner of the Adventures in Odyssey Get in the Show contest.
Episode 42
A Call To Something More, the 57th album from Adventures in Odyssey, is the topic of conversation for this episode. We also give an update on our own audio drama project, share some feedback from David, Aaron, Mark, and Jack.
Episode 43
Today's bonus episode features an informative conversation with sound designer, Rob Jorgensen of Rojo Creative Studios. Also in this episode, Nathan Hoobler tells us the reason for the episode title change in AIO #57 and JD talks about a Christmas themed Old Time Radio show called The Cinnamon Bear that is perfect to listen to with the whole family.
Episode 44
Today we discuss The Star Angel, a fabulously entertaining, Christmas musical from The Colonial Radio Theatre. Also in this episode is a discussion about new voices for familiar characters on Adventures in Odyssey, an update on our audio drama project and Roy's splendid newscast. And listener Cguy's question sparks a lively conversation to cap off this edition of the show.
Episode 45
Today we discuss Under Drake's Flag, the outstanding debut audio drama production in The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series from Heirloom Audio Productions. We also read some listener feedback and Roy delivers a newscast that is chock-full of valuable information.
Episode 46
We review Jessica's Journey from Lamplighter Theatre in today's episode. We also share an update on our audio drama project, answer some questions posed by listener Christopher, Roy has a packed newscast and we get into a discussion about coffee.
Episode 47
Episode 48
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre released C.S. Lewis At War: The Dramatic Story Behind Mere Christianity at the end of 2013 and that is our topic of discussion today. Roy also has a newscast that is chock-full of Adventures in Odyssey news. And we check out some feedback from Jane and Christopher. Lastly, Andrew gives a review of the Odyssey Adventure Club.
Episode 49
We share our thoughts and opinions on The Candle in the Window which features Jess Harnell in multiple roles. We also highlight a few minutes of the Lamplighter Guild students' condensed version of The Candle in the Window. Roy has a jam-packed newscast and we also respond to feedback from Will, Richard and Samuel.
Episode 50
We break the mold for episode 50 and bring you an entirely different format for this show. At the request of you, the listener, we present a look back at some highlights from the previous 49 episodes. First we take a listen to 10 of our favorite guest moments from cast and crew members who have joined the show over the years. Next we play a reel of a few funny moments from the hosts. Then we dive into a discussion about our thoughts on the future of Adventures in Odyssey. We also share an update on our audio drama project, The Cross Maker, and play a bit of the opening scene.
Episode 51
Bob Smithouser joins us today to answer all of your questions about the Odyssey Adventure Club. Bob is one of the co-hosts of the Official Adventures in Odyssey podcast as well as the newly appointed OAC Producer. As you may know, the OAC is the premium membership club for Adventures in Odyssey fans. We also take this opportunity to chat with Bob about his first exposure to Odyssey, how he became the host of the Official AIO podcast as well as some of the characters he's voiced on Odyssey. We also announce the winners of our giveaway from episode 50 and address some listener feedback.
Episode 52
We discuss the question of whether or not a full cast audiobook is the same thing as an audio drama production. As we go through our own thoughts on the issue, we weave in some feedback from Jerry Robbins from the Colonial Radio Theatre on the same topic. Jerry shared some writing samples with us that we decide to perform as an illustration. We also answer some questions from Christopher and Will.
Episode 53
We review Les Misérables from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre on this episode of this show. We discuss some of our favorite moments in the program as well as play a short sample scene from the beginning of the drama. Also in this episode, Roy has another fabulous newscast and we address some listener feedback from Austin.
Episode 54
Today we dive into the topic of Old Time Radio. We give an introduction to this forerunner of modern audio drama and share some memories of our first exposure to these stories. We talk about some of our favorite shows, the various Adventures in Odyssey connections, as well as where you can get these Old Time Radio shows for yourself.
Episode 55
We take a look at Goliath: King of Shadow Valley from the Paws & Tales series today. Also in this edition of the podcast we respond to some feedback from Michael, Richard and Darren.
Episode 56
Bill Heid joins us for today's discussion on audio drama vs. visual entertainment. Bill wrote an article on the benefits of audio drama for kids which prompted this episode. We also reference an article written by BBC audio drama writer, Stephen Wyatt and we address some points he raised. In addition to the discussion topic, we also chat with Bill about The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty.
Episode 57
We review LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air's audio drama adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo in this episode and discuss the challenges that come with taking a large volume like Alexandre Dumas' novel and adapting it for a much shorter audio drama. We also have some feedback from Emily, Richard, and Eric.
Episode 58
We share some highlights from our visit to Salami Studios in North Hollywood, California in this episode. We attended an Adventures in Odyssey recording session in October 2014 and were privileged to meet a lot of great actors and crew members. While there we interviewed recording engineer and sound designer Nate Jones about his work on Focus on the Family Radio Theatre and Adventures in Odyssey. Also in this episode, we review The Legend of Squanto from Focus on the Family Radio Theatre. Roy also has a newscast full of news (what else?) and we have some feedback from Richard, Kinzey and Austin.
Episode 59
In this special episode JD brings you a Christmas audio drama that we (Porchlight Family Media) produced on stage for a live audience. It's called Babe of the Worlds. JD also shares some recommendations for a few other Christmas audio dramas that you may enjoy this time of the year.
Episode 60
Today we dive into The Ties That Bind, the 58th album from Adventures in Odyssey. We talk about the highlights, our favorite new characters, point out some of the callbacks hidden in this 14 episode album, and much more. Roy delivers an outstanding newscast, we jump into some feedback from Richard and Victoria, and we introduce you to another new audio drama series.
Episode 61
For today's review of Jonathan Park Volume 10: The Journey Home, Roy is M.I.A. but we (JD and Andrew) soldier on with the help of our good friend Austin G. Andrew also fills in for Roy and does an admirable job delivering the newscast while Austin tackles the job of "Summary Giver". We also address feedback from Dr. Lamar, Victoria and Sarah-Grace. And in all of this we somehow manage to work Knott's Berry Farm, pancakes, and Gunsmoke into the discussion.
Episode 62
Today we discuss In Freedom's Cause, the outstanding audio drama from Heirloom Audio's The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series. Also in this episode is a bit of a newscast, some feedback from Jeremiah and Victoria and we also have a couple of announcements.
Episode 63
JD brings you a varied list of news items from the world of family friendly audio drama as he flies solo in this episode. You'll hear a mini review of the first episode of Phil Lollar's brand new Iliad House series. Also in this episode is an exclusive interview with voice actor, Katie Leigh. Katie joins the show to chat about a new book she is working on with fellow actor on Adventures ion Odyssey, Will Ryan.
Episode 64
We dive deep into The Brinkman Adventures 3rd season in this episode of the show. In addition to our review, you'll also find a newscast from our intrepid newsman, Roy, and some great feedback from Rob and Winter. And in the midst of all of that there will be talk of rethinking the "Top 3", aquaponics and tilapia fillets.
Episode 65
We're joined by composer Jared DePasquale in this episode. In this conversation with Jared, we talk about composing for audio drama, writing character themes, which instruments he plays, and much more. We also feature feedback from Michael, Victoria, Trenton, & Sarah Grace.
Episode 66
We dive into the Red Rock Mysteries series for the first time in this episode. We also have an insightful chat with the Executive Producer of the Red Rock series, Terre Richie. Terre shares some behind the scenes info in regards to the launching of the show and much more. Roy brings a packed newscast and we respond to feedback from Richard, Victoria, Christopher and Sarah Grace.
Episode 67
JD, Roy and Andrew dive into the third production in The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series called With Lee In Virginia.and go over some of their favorite scenes and more in this review. There is also a jam-packed newscast from Roy and then the guys address some feedback and questions from Will, Michael and Sarah Grace.
Episode 68
We review The Colonial Radio Theatre's production called The Plimoth Adventure: Voyage of Mayflower in today's episode. Also in this episode is an interview with Christopher Green from GreenStreams Studio about their brand new audio drama serial entitled Shadows And Daylight. Christopher introduces some of the main characters and shares more behind the scenes info on this series. We also give a mini review for a children's audio drama series called The Tales of Deputy Guppy.
Episode 69
In recognition of International Podcast Day JD presents three separate radio drama episodes from three different Old Time Radio series. Each episode was hand-picked by JD, Roy and Andrew to share with you. These are some of our favorite episodes from the "Golden Age of Radio" and we hope you enjoy them!
Episode 70
The tables are turned on JD, Andrew and Roy today and they are the ones being interviewed! In celebration of our 5 years of working on Audio Theatre Central, listeners Victoria and Sarah Grace interview the guys about how the show started, their favorite audio dramas, who in the audio drama world they'd most like to meet, and lots more. In addition to that, Duane and Andrew Riffenburgh make an appearance on this episode to talk about their latest production in the Creation Adventure Family anthology series, a western story featuring the Riffenburgh family as "The Wayfaring Strangers" in a show entitled Big Sam. Roy also has a packed newscast and JD shares lots of exciting announcements.
Episode 71
We share some thoughts on some of our favorite Old Time Radio comedy shows in this episode. We are joined in the studio by Andrew's father, Guy Jones, who is a wealth of knowledge about OTR. We dive into lots of behind the scenes info about the actors, things that took place in the studio, how some shows were connected to others and even play a couple short clips from two shows and much more.
Episode 72
We "plunge" into a review of Adventures in Odyssey #59: Taking the Plunge in today's episode. And if that isn't enough, we share a hilarious new Odyssey themed comedy skit that Austin Peachey put together and we respond to feedback from Sarah Grace, Ciara, Aaron, and Christopher. And Roy has another packed newscast with lots of exciting audio drama news!
Episode 73
It's Christmas time again so we spend this episode reviewing "A Bethlehem Christmas" from Insight For Living, we talk about some of our favorite Christmas audio drama and even recommend a few new ones. Roy shares a newscast and we also have a special Christmas visit from a very special guest, Mandy Straussberg (voiced by Aria Curzon)!
Episode 74
Today we feature some audio recorded during JD's recent visit to the Focus on the Family campus. During the visit, AIO writer, director and all around great guy, Nathan Hoobler, gives a tour of the Foley Room where the Odyssey team creates and records the sound effects for the show. Also in this episode we share about a few new audio dramas in the works and the recent formation of a new audio drama coalition. And we respond to feedback from Ciara and Sarah Grace and Sarah Grace's comments insight a rather lengthy tangent about Adventures in Odyssey.
Episode 75
Heirloom Audio is back with their 4th release in the series, The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty. This audio drama is called "The Dragon And The Raven" and we are so excited to share our thoughts and reactions to this production. Also in this episode, Roy delivers another exciting newscast, we share an update on the upcoming Adventures in Odyssey trivia segment that is coming to the show and we respond to feedback from Jaxon and Victor.
Episode 76
We review Frozen Fire from Lamplighter Theatre in this episode and we highly recommend it! Also in this episode we reveal the name of the new AIO quiz segment of the show, Roy has a chock full newscast, and we address feedback from Aaron, Gabriel and Sarah Grace.
Episode 77
We share an entire episode of Season 4 of the Brinkman Adventures, but we also share some behind the scenes info on "The Cross Maker", an update on the Jonathan Park series, address feedback from Sarah Grace and Elisabeth, and a whole bunch of other audio drama goodness!
Episode 78
Season 4 of The Brinkman Adventures is the topic of conversation in this episode. Also in this episode are several audio drama tidbits. In the feedback segment, we open a piece of snail mail from Elisabeth H!
Episode 79
We do a deep dive into Head Over Heels, Adventures in Odyssey's 60th album, in this episode of the show. We also share several various AIO related tidbits, Roy is back with another newscast, we address some feedback from Rob and Sarah Grace, and we get a voicemail from Elisabeth with her thoughts on AIO 60.
Episode 80
We are joined by the Kids Corner production team on this episode. We also feature our first edition of the Eugenius Minds quiz game with contestant Elisabeth H. and we share another short behind the scenes tidbit from The Cross Maker recording sessions. In the feedback segment, we respond to comments from Sarah Grace and Jack W.
Episode 81
We discuss Beric The Briton, the 5th production in Heirloom Audio's Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty series. Also in this episode, Roy delivers a superb newscast and we address feedback from Nate, Victor, Sarah Grace and Elisabeth.
Episode 82
We discuss Paws & Tales version of The Story of Esther in this episode and compare and contrast it with Adventures in Odyssey's Esther story. We also have another edition of Eugenius Minds with contestant Jaxon L. Roy delivers a stupendous newscast and we have lots of other audio drama tidbits to share.
Episode 83
We review Focus on the Family Radio Theatre's adaptation of Ben-Hur and also address some feedback from Michael D., Rachel, Sarah Grace and Elisabeth H. Roy has another newscast and we dive deep into who we voted for in the Finnian versus Whit election.
Episode 84
Happy International Podcast Day! In celebration we decided to share with you three episodes of some of our favorite Old Time Radio western series. JD, Roy and Andrew choose one episode to highlight and we share a bit about the show and then roll the entire episode.
Episode 85
Review of The Cat of Bubastes from Heirloom Audio. We also have a few audio drama tidbits and some feedback from Rachel, Richard and Ian.
Episode 86
Review of Jimmy and the Star Angel from Family Time Audio Theatre and we respond to an Odyssey-related question from Sarah Grace and chat about a new audio stories website we recently discovered.
Episode 87
We dive into a few Adventures in Odyssey topics in this episode. We talk about common gripes that folks have with modern AIO, using Austin Peachey's recent Odyssey Scoop article as a springboard and we also chat about science-fiction episodes of Odyssey. We are also joined on the show by stage actress and theater director, Abigail Bourne from Pennsylvania.
Episode 88
We chat about The Haunted Room from Lamplighter Theatre in this episode. We also address feedback from Austin Peachey as well as some feedback via iTunes reviews.
Episode 89
We review Brother Francis: The Barefoot Saint of Assisi in this episode. Andrew decided to play hooky so we plow on with special guest host, Jordyn, Roy's wife. We also talk a bit about our top picks for audio drama in 2016, address some great feedback from Michael C., Roy delivers an AIO-centric newscast and JD shares a couple audio drama tidbits to cap off the show.
Episode 90
We review Adventures in Odyssey #61: Without A Hitch in this episode. Then Jeremiah's fantastic email sends us into a lengthy discussion about monetization for audio drama in this modern technological age. We also respond to an email from Rachel about the Star Wars audio dramas.
Episode 91
We review the fantastic audio drama from Lamplighter Theatre called A ‘Strordinary Little Maid. Roy delivers a newscast and we respond to questions from Victor and Brandon. Then Keagen's email reignites the Renee discussion. And JD plays a clip from the Odyssey Scoopcast. Why? Well you'll have to listen to find out.
Episode 92
JD, Andrew and guest host, Austin Peachey, review Volume 1 of Time Chroniclers, a brand new audio drama serial. We are also joined by Time Chroniclers producer, Pat Roy to get the scoop on the show's genesis. Also in this episode is an exclusive preview of a scene from the upcoming episode 7 of Shadows and Daylight. In addition to a few other audio drama tidbits, also featured in the episode is feedback from Jeremiah, Amber and Samuel.
Episode 93
We review Season 5 of The Brinkman Adventures in this episode. We also address some feedback from Keagen, Samuel, and Gideon while revisiting Jeremiah's question from a previous episode. We dive into a few tidbits and Roy's newscast incites a couple minutes of discussion about comics of all things!
Episode 94
We review the first six episodes of the Iliad House audio drama. Phil Lollar joins us on the show to chat about Iliad House, Jungle Jam, Adventures in Odyssey, and mango chutney. We also have a tidbit about The Brinkman Adventures, Roy has a newscast, and we've got feedback from Abigail, Jaxon and Keagan.
Episode 95
We review In The Reign of Terror after Roy delivers a packed newscast. Then Sarah Grace's and Victoria's comments about Adventures in Odyssey cause us to have a lengthy AIO discussion that is nearly as long as the review and may be a bit controversial! JD also shares a few tidbits to wrap up this episode.
Episode 96
In this episode JD, Roy and Andrew walk you through all the audio collected at the finale of the 2017 Adventures in Odyssey Get In The Show event by JD and Austin Peachey. JD interviews comedian Bob Smiley, the AIO actors, the top 3 finalists of the GITS contest and Austin recorded man-on-the-street interviews with other attendees. And ATC listener Michael Schroeder documented the event via photos for us.
Episode 97
We appreciate our listeners so much that we dedicated an entire episode of the show to your feedback. You sent in such great questions and comments that we couldn't help but take some time to discuss them. We address feedback from Naomi, Christopher Green, Amber, John T, Christopher 164, Keagen W., an Anonymous Texter, and ARBravo1.
Episode 98
We review Album #62 of Adventures in Odyssey titled "Let's Put On A Show!" in this episode of the show. Roy played hooky today so JD and Andrew are joined by Andrew's wife, Rebecca to help us talk Odyssey. We also have a few tidbits to share including a fun piece of audio that Austin Peachey produced called "You Might be An Odyssey Fan If..." The newscaster duties are handled by Andrew and we respond to some feedback from Amber and Angela.
Episode 99
Tom Swift and His Motorboat from the Colonial Radio Theatre is the main topic of conversation in this episode. We also have a jam-packed newscast from Roy, a few audio drama tidbits (including some free audio drama) and we address feedback from Lee, Sarah Grace, Amber and Rachel.
Episode 100
For our special 100th episode, we are thrilled to be joined by actor, writer, and director, Philip Glassborow. We also have a Eugenius Minds segment with contestant Michael C., a discussion segment about helping new audio drama listeners get the most out of the listening experience, we give away a bunch of audio drama, share some fun ATC stats, and get some wonderful voice messages from several amazing listeners.
Episode 101
Lamplighter Theatre announces open auditions with a quickly approaching deadline so JD solo hosts this episode to share the details with you. JD is joined by Lamplighter Theatre Associate Producer, Luke Rosamilia to get all the pertinent info. JD also shares some great Christmas themed audio drama from Puffy Mama Productions as well as a few other audio drama tidbits.
Episode 102
Today we dive into a review of Jonathan Park: The Dreamer's Tomb. This is the first collection of 12 episodes released since the restructuring of the Jonathan Park team. In addition to the review, we also have lots of great audio drama tidbits, Roy has a packed newscast, and we have some feedback from Amber, Darby, and Noah.
Episode 103
Today we review Heirloom Audio's Captain Bayley's Heir and then we're joined by sound designer, Rob Jorgensen, to talk about the work he did on this audio drama. We also have some interesting audio drama tidbits, some feedback from Angela, Michael, and Amber.
Episode 104
Episode 105